By, you can order by sending an e-mail or by submitting a quote form. We just need some information from you.

  • What type of transportation do you want, by air or by sea?
  • Cargo size, weight, and description(What is it?)
  • Where will the goods be picked up? The date when the goods are ready.
  • Where will the goods be delivered? Do you need a door-to-door delivery?

Once we have your information, we will quote you and get the best deals from our extensive transport network.

What is the shipping cost when shipping from China?

Please kindly know that the shipping cost will be different basic on the good like gross weight and cargo volume. And what kind of shipping methods do you choose? You can send details to us, and we will get back to you with the best rates.

What kind of carriers do you use?

As a professional freight forwarder in China, we have years of experience in shipping from China. For sea shipping, we have a relationship with carriers like MASKER, MSC, EMC, CMA-CGM, etc. For the air shipment, we used airlines like CA, US, Qatar Airways, British Airways, etc. As well, we get to access the network of DHL, FEDEX, TNT, UPS, EMS, etc. Our mission is to get your cargo to its destination under safety and perfect protection.

What is the maximum weight or size of air cargo?

The limitation depends on the airline companies, and each airline has different rules. If you would like to know more, please contact us. But the size and weight will decide the shipping cost, and if your cargo is oversize or overweight, please send the details to us to check the special rates.

Can you provide pallets for our goods?

Our company provides pallets for your goods to facilitate the transportation and safe reception of the goods. If you want us to stack your boxes and fix them on the pallet, we’ll be happy to do it for you. This is a kind of reorganization of goods.

Our logistics operations staff usually use wooden or recycled plastic pallets. As you can see, the main advantage of pallet shipping is the use of forklifts to move large quantities of goods quickly and conveniently.

The cubic area of the pallet cargo will help organize the warehouse and estimate the number of products in the container or truck.

For more information about viewing this post pallet shipping, you can get more info about pallets of materials and sizes.

How do I know if my goods should be taxed?

Can you ship it to my country?

Yes, we can. Our services cover over 230 countries and regions: Europe, Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, the United States, Australia, Canada, etc.

What shipping documents do I need to provide?

Commercial invoices and shipper’s packing list, and customs declaration documents. We will provide an airway bill (AWB)

How long does it take to ship from China?

What payment methods do PROCHINAFREIGHT.COM accept?